Increase site visits by resetting old content

Targeted Web Traffic
5 min readNov 20, 2019

Targeted web traffic — But don’t forget that video is much more important than photos or audio. Adding a video to the content can have a much greater impact than adding a few photos. I strongly recommend that you include at least one video for each of your content, as it will have a positive impact on your site’s SEO, in addition to being updated.

If I want to make a brief mention of the video’s impact, the simplest thing to do after adding a video to your content is to reduce your site’s bounce rate , which means you are more likely to increase your Google rank and increase your site visit. !

1) Comment Marketing

Comments and comments from users are the content of a single page. So it’s natural that the more comments you get, the longer the page content gets.

But the problem with some webmasters is that they say, “My site users won’t comment on me, what can I do?” Just comment on someone else’s language for your content and then respond fully in the next step in your own language. This is the way you can comment and update your content.

I recommend reading “What is Marketing Comment?” To learn more about this technique.

Increase site visits by resetting old content

Updating old content greatly helps boost your site’s visibility through Google Inputs, but if you combine it with another technique, it will increase its effectiveness. I recommend that you re-publish it to all of your communication channels after editing any content, just like new content!

For example, after I updated my Social Signal article after 6 months, I reposted it on the following channels:

· Send article to members Email Gray Webmaster Newsletter

Resetting old content for targeted email marketing and newsletter members can increase site traffic.

· Share content on different social networks like Twitter and LinkedIn

If your audience is active in the web, publishing or resetting content on Twitter can be good feedback. LinkedIn is a business social networking business and you can get good feedback if you have good connections in your business.

· Share content on telegram

Despite the elephant telegram, this messenger can still provide good feedback. So, if you are upgrading your old content, you will need to reset it. This will increase the visibility of your site so you can get more out of your updated content. Professionals: If you want to publish your content on social networks, be sure to add some text and don’t just publish the link! Adding a comment will get the audience more engaged with this post, and you may eventually see a clickthrough rate or CTR.

Now suppose an influenza dealer with a potential audience of your business recommends you and your content to others. What do you think will happen? Naturally, many people will come to your content with a positive outlook and this will increase the visibility of your website. See the example diagram below. This chart shows the daily visits to the Gray Webmaster website last year:

You see the daily webmaster statistics of last year’s gray webmaster in the picture, after only one of my influencers shared my content.

Some important points!

There are a few important points about this method that I needed to address;

First, this increase in visits can be permanent or temporary, depending on how the influencer shares your content.

For example, publishing content to your Instagram story will give you a temporary increase in visits and a relatively temporary increase in your telegram. But if your content as a post is posted on the person’s website, it can be a worthwhile and lasting visit.

Another important thing to keep in mind is how to persuade a person to share your content? Below are a few tips that you need to follow:

· First, your content should be unique! The unique content itself will satisfy the other person.

· Your site should be able to withstand a temporary increase in traffic and so your hosts should not go down as your site visits, as this is not good for both your brand and SEO.

· The page you want should be optimized, for example you should run your Lead Generation processes optimally, and your page should be able to target the visitor well to your end goal (which may be membership or sales)

· Mobile Traffic: Buy Targeted mobile traffic is of highest quality and is a great way to increase exposure to your business. All mobile traffic comes from Android or Mobile IOS. What are you waiting for!

· Be sure to check that your fluency is interested in your content. To make sure of this, you should check the content that was previously shared by these people to see if there is content like yours.

· After considering the above, it is time to ask for the influenza you are looking for. Be sure to make your request at the right time, in the right communication context and in a very respectful tone.

· Don’t ask for content sharing directly, but first ask for their content and then say that if they know it’s right, they will share your content as well.

How to find your flu shots?

There are several ways to find influential people in different fields of work:

· Look for the names of famous people you have heard about in your business. Find their personal website, LinkedIn account and their various social networks and find ways to connect with them.

· Join and operate telegram groups related to your business. Usually the content generated by fluorescents rotates in telegram channels and you can identify them in this way.

· Attend events, conferences, workshops, and get to know influencers and get in touch with them.

An extremely easy way to increase site visits is to increase clickthrough rate or CTR!

You don’t have to get yourself into a fight for a better rank. All you must do is increase your click rate.

If you increase your clickthrough rate, not only will your site visit increase, it will also increase the CTR of your site and this cycle will continue.

Let me give you an example;

Suppose you rank 6 in Google’s keyword X and that phrase comes up 2 times a day. Now if your hypothetical CTR is 2% and you can make it slightly modifiable to 5%, then your website share has grown from 1 person to 6 person a day. In fact, you attract about 1 visitor per month! (Note that a 2% CTR increase is no big deal!)

What words should we improve on CTR?

Before I can say how to improve CTR, I have to say which words and phrases are worth the time at all, because we can’t improve the CTR of every single word since our time and energy are limited.

You just need to find a limited list of potentially powerful words on your site and increase your CTR. Doing so will greatly increase targeted organic website traffic. To do this we need to use Google’s console search tool and the Performance section. Just click on the specified icon in this section to filter the queries according to your preferences, With the ability to filter keywords, you can arrange them in your own order.



Targeted Web Traffic

Targeted Web Traffic is a Prominent Premium Service to help, Increase Website Traffic in small businesses. get results with