Long-Tail Keywords & SEO

Targeted Web Traffic
6 min readOct 25, 2022


Image Source: FreeImages

The long-tail keyword is a search engine optimization (SEO) term used to refer to search phrases that are longer than usual. Usually, this refers to phrases that consist of three or more words. For example, “red sweater” is not a long-tail keyword because it only has two words. But “red argyle sweater for men who like to knit” qualifies as long-tail because it has four words. Characters with lots of semantic meaning, such as bigrams, trigrams, and other types of n-grams, are also referred to as long tail keywords. The logic behind this is that these terms are more specific than general ones. Let’s take an example:

If someone searches for “Buy website visitors” on the website of an e-commerce business selling shoes and apparel, they will get irrelevant results such as images of marketing and SEO or information about increase website visitors. However if they use a more specific keyword like “ Buy website traffic cheap “ the user will get more relevant results such as a product page where they can buy blue suede sneakers directly from that retailer.

How to Optimize for Long-Tail Keywords

The first step towards optimizing for long-tail keywords is to create and rank content for those keywords. This will allow you to target more specific audiences, as well as capture more of the user’s attention due to the higher value of the content.

You can create content to target long-tail keywords in a few ways:

  • - Use existing content to target new keywords
  • - The content you’ve already created, such as blog posts and articles, can be used to target new long-tail keywords. To do this, you’ll want to use a keyword research tool that also allows you to see the volume of search results for that keyword, as well as other related keywords, so you can find related long-tail keywords to target with that content.
  • - Create new content to target specific long-tail keywords — If you control your own website, you’re in an even better position to create new content targeted towards long-tail keywords because you can choose whatever terms you want to rank for.

Make your product pages keyword-optimized.

Another way to optimize for long-tail keywords is to make your product pages keyword-optimized. You can do this by including the long-tail keywords you’re targeting throughout your product pages.

For example, if you’re an online retailer with a product page for red argyle sweaters, you might use the following:

- The product title- The first line of your product title should include the long-tail keyword once. Since this is the first thing that people see when they visit your product page, it’s important to include the keyword. — The product subtitle

- The second line of your product title should be the long-tail keyword again, as well as a modifier to clarify the product. In this example, you might use “red argyle sweater for men who like to knit” as your product subtitle.

- The product description — You can use the product description to target long-tail keywords as well as create product meta data (explained below).

Increase user engagement on your site.

Another way to optimize for long-tail keywords is to increase user engagement on your site. This can be done in several ways: — Create high-quality content — The content you create on your site should be high-quality, engaging, and interesting to your users. This will help them continue engaging with your site, which will in turn help you rank better with search engines. — Ask for user feedback — Allow customers to provide feedback about your products and services. They’ll also be able to leave feedback about how you can improve your business, which can help you make necessary changes. — Host contests or quizzes — Hosting an online contest or quiz on your site is a great way to engage your users and collect data about your business and target customers.

Have more product options for users looking with specific keywords.

Another way to optimize for long-tail keywords is to have more product options for users looking with specific keywords. You can do this by providing more specific or unique product options for users who target long-tail keywords. For example, if you sell red argyle sweaters, you can expand your product offerings to include different sizes, colors, and materials. By expanding your product offerings to include more options for users targeting the long-tail keyword “red argyle sweater for men who like to knit,” you will likely see an increase in sales.

Provide more relevant ads based on user search habits.

Another way to optimize for long-tail keywords is to provide more relevant ads based on user search habits. You can do this by targeting actual search terms that people are using to search for products or services related to yours on search engines. This will help you provide more relevant ads to users, which will likely lead to more clicks and a higher return on investment (ROI).

Build brand recognition by providing quality content. Another way to optimize for long-tail keywords is to build brand recognition by providing quality content on your site and in the news based on user searches. You can do this by creating and publishing engaging content, such as blog posts, on your website and creating more newsworthy content by partnering with influencers in your industry to write guest blogs for your site. This will help build brand recognition for your business by providing quality content for your users and the public.

Use ad extensions to provide more information about your products and services, as well as a way to capture user emails when they’re ready to buy using long-tail keywords or synonyms of them..

Another way to optimize for long-tail keywords is to use ad extensions to provide more information about your products and services, as well as a way to capture user emails when they’re ready to buy using long-tail keywords or synonyms of them. You can do this by adding sitelinks, callout extensions, product visuals, and more to your ads.

Monitor which long-tail keywords lead to sales and increase SEO efforts for those words only.

Another way to optimize for long-tail keywords is to monitor which long-tail keywords lead to sales and increase SEO efforts for those words only. This will allow you to better understand which keywords are driving the most sales, so you can put more effort into optimizing for those terms. You can monitor which long-tail keywords are leading to sales by creating a spreadsheet and tracking each keyword.

Track how many people are searching for a long-tail keyword before buying from you, so you can better understand what users want from your business and optimize accordingly

Another way to optimize for long-tail keywords is to track how many people are searching for a long-tail keyword before buying from you, so you can better understand what users want from your business and optimize accordingly. To do this, create keywords alerts using Google Trends or a keyword tracking tool, such as HubSpot’s free tool. This will allow you to track which long-tail keywords people are using to find your business, so you can better understand what they’re looking for and optimize your business to better meet those needs.


The long-tail keyword is a search engine optimization ( SEO) term used to refer to search phrases that are longer than usual. Usually, this refers to phrases that consist of three or more words. For example, “red sweater” is not a long-tail keyword because it only has two words. But “red argyle sweater for men who like to knit” qualifies as long-tail because it has four words. Characters with lots of semantic meaning, such as bigrams, trigrams

Originally published at https://seo25.helpscoutdocs.com on October 25, 2022.



Targeted Web Traffic

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