Generate real Human web Visitors to Your Website that Converts

Targeted Web Traffic
6 min readOct 12, 2020


If you have the opportunity for others to send you articles or publish their content on your site, be sure to use this capacity. Guest post has two very good features; One is that you can publish some of your posts as guests on popular platforms and sites, and the second is that others can use your site to publish guest posts. This not only increases real human website traffic but also increases audience engagement and participation. Of course, you must be careful to follow the rules of the guest post properly. In this case, you can well use the capacity of backlinks to increase traffic to your site.

- Take the power of social media seriously

One of the most important things you can do to increase your site traffic is to use the capacity of social media and messaging apps. You can link to your site or posts according to the rules of each platform and thus attract more organic and free visits.
If you have an online store, you can also use content marketing to promote your product and finally use the link to direct the audience to the product page and buy it.

Generate Targeted Real Human Traffic to Your Website

Some may think that LinkedIn is just a social network of experts and is more useful for B2B marketing, but in fact, LinkedIn is one of the best platforms for free-content publishing and receiving traffic to the site. You can attract more traffic to your site or online store by publishing attractive content on LinkedIn.

You can get more traffic to your site and online store by using email marketing and embedding links in your messages. While some social networks, such as Instagram, are very sensitive about linking, targeted email marketing is the best channel for doing so.

On the off chance that we need to give a concise portrayal of Alexa: This apparatus is a measure that gives a fast synopsis of how one website (you or your rival) performs contrasted with other sites. In any case, before we get into how you can improve your site’s Alexa rank; we need to take a step back. Best Improve Alexa Rank Services To Buy Online and Knowing how to value Alexa will give you a roadmap for continuing your business.

What is Alexa Rank?

Alexa Rank is a positioning framework set up by (an auxiliary of Amazon) that tracks the recurrence of visits to different locales. Alexa traffic assessment and positioning depend on the perusing conduct of individuals in the Alexa worldwide board, which is a model for all Internet clients. Alexa traffic positioning depends on and estimated dependent on the traffic information that clients give to the Alexa Global Information Panel over a time of 3 months.

We know and don’t have to specify that we are not in rivalry with Google and we can’t accomplish it; But the purpose of this examination is to state that such rankings are not terrible either. For examination, the most reduced Alexa positioning for a site is 30 million!

What factors does Alexa analyze?

Prior to arranging anything, it is imperative to comprehend what Alexa is focusing on when positioning a site. Luckily, Alexa is clear and legit about figuring data. As indicated by the Alexa Blog, Alexa gauges the normal number of guests and guests to sites consistently at regular intervals, and the website with the most noteworthy number of guests over the most recent 3 months is chosen as the first. On the off chance that nobody visits a particular site in the Alexa metering board inside 3 months, no positioning will be allocated to that site.

The graphical Alexa diagram to show this is as follows:

Because Google has a lot more daily website visitors and visitors than other websites, it gets more traffic on the Internet and tops the list. Alexa also points to the fact that the closer you get to the top of the rankings, the harder it will be to improve your ranking. For example, you may be able to easily reach 20 million from 24,500,132, but it is more difficult to get from 50 to 40 than you think.

So, in the ranking, Alexa pays attention to two basic factors:

  • Number of daily visitors
  • Number of visits to web pages during the last 3 months

Now that you are familiar with Alexa Rank, you may be wondering how you can improve it. In the following post, we will examine this issue.

Validate your website metrics

If you are not looking for a small investment, it is a good idea to use valid Alexa website metrics. This will give you a valid Alexa code that will directly calculate your website traffic.

In this case, you can have several choices:

  • You can have an accurate Alexa rank.
  • You can access more in-depth information. (To do this you will have a private dashboard)
  • You can monitor the performance of your website.
  • You can also display specific clients, open pages, and rankings in public.

In the picture below, you can see the prices of different membership modes:

How to validate your website metrics?

“Validation” in this case means getting a valid Alexa code on your website, which allows Alexa to directly measure your website traffic. To be valid, you must go through the following steps:

  • Register with one of the Basic, Insight, Advanced, or Advanced high quality targeted website traffic membership modes.
  • Follow the directions to add a valid Alexa code to each page of your website.
  • Select the Scan My Site button and check that your code is fully installed.
  • If your valid code is installed, the data will be processed within 3 hours.
  • If you have chosen to have your valid metrics publicly displayed, you will receive the message This site’s metrics are certified on the Overview page of your website once your valid code has been verified on at least 60% of your web pages.

By doing this, you will have a clear view of the health status of your website and with the tools at your disposal, you will be able to improve the ranking of your website.

Generate epic content!

The use of the word “epic” may be an exaggeration, Best Alexa Rank Services To Buy Online but our goal is to emphasize the production of high-level content, which is a key component of Internet marketing at all levels.

This in itself has deep details that may be tedious to explain to you in a post. So as a point always keeps in mind that producing high-quality content will help a lot to improve the ranking of your website.

Use quality backlinks

What are two significant variables that Google thinks about when allocating rankings to your site? Trust and force.

Truth be told, these two variables make up 23.87% of Google’s positioning calculation, which has a higher rate than different elements.

Probably the simplest approach to expand the validity and intensity of your site is to get quality inbound connections. As you most likely are aware, these inbound connections must be from legitimate and important locales, all of which will at last lead to the creation of extraordinary substance. And when it comes to link building, there is a technique that highlights the rest: Guest post and post commenting! We will try to explain more about guest posts or posts written by guest authors in the future. But in the meantime, consider this technique for creating links as well.

How to Get More Targeted Website Traffic

The question is, what is your motivation for trying to improve your website’s Alexa rank? Most likely, the answer is that you want to rank better than your main competitors, and you definitely want to win this competition.

Another great way to get a great Alexa ranking and overall good SEO is to analyze your competitors’ keywords to find out which words get the most traffic and generate the most backlinks.

Once you know which keywords are generating the most traffic to other websites, you can improve your website based on those keywords. This is just like marking with a double arrow. In fact, by doing this, in addition to improving Alexa rank, you will also improve your SEO rank.



Targeted Web Traffic

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