7 Web Development Ideas to Earn More Money While Working Less

Targeted Web Traffic
6 min readOct 27, 2022


So you’ve nailed your resume, interviewed like a pro and landed a stellar software developer job. What’s next? How about figuring out how to make more money while working less. Working as a software developer is probably the hardest and most stressful job in today’s world. It’s challenging, competitive and demanding.

In fact, many of the developers we know are constantly looking for better side projects that they can implement to not just make money but also build their skills. So, how do you go about it? Well, creating websites is something that many people want but cannot afford. You can leverage on this opportunity by building the websites for them at an affordable price while charging premium rates for your services. This article outlines 10 ideas that will help you make more money while working less as a software developer:

Build an email course for beginners

You can earn a passive income by building an email course for beginners. This can help you earn a lot of money while working less. In this, you need to create a series of emails that will teach various technical skills.

This can be anything from building websites, creating online stores, programming in various languages or even learning how to code. Selling an email course is a great way to earn money from your technical skills. Targeted Email marketing is a great way to reach your audience and promote your website or product.

One of the best ways to get started with email marketing is to create an email course. An email course is a sequence of emails that helps your readers learn how to do something, such as build their own website.

It can also help you earn more money as a software developer. Many people want to learn how to create websites, but it can be very expensive to take a course from a university or pay a lot of money to hire a web designer. You can make money by creating your own email course that teaches people how to build their own website.

Create an informational website on a niche you’re familiar with

If you have something that you’re an expert in, then you can use that to create an informational website on a topic that you’re familiar with. An informational website is a website that provides information about a topic.

People usually create these websites for two reasons: to earn money and to build their personal brand. If you’re good at something, you can create an informational website and sell your knowledge through an online course or a blog post. This can help you earn a passive income while working less.

You can create an informational website on a topic that you’re familiar with or that you enjoy. This will help you make more money as a software developer because it’s a side project that you can do while working full-time.

Create a portfolio site to showcase your developer work

Developers often have a hard time showcasing their work because their work is seen as confidential.

But a portfolio site is the ideal way to showcase your skills. This is where you can share the front-end and back-end work that you’ve completed over the years. You can either create a simple website or use a platform like Squarespace or Wix to create a portfolio site. You can get inspiration on what you can include on your portfolio website by visiting websites of developers.

You can also get some ideas for your website by looking at job listings for developers with your desired salary. This will help you make more money as a developer because you can add the portfolio website to your resume to showcase your skills and make yourself more attractive to future employers.

Develop an Android app and an iOS app

Building an Android app and an iOS app is a great way to make money while working less. Android and iOS apps are the most coveted skill in the programming world. If you have the ability to create these apps, then you can make a lot of money as a developer. You can create apps for various industries, such An app for online shopping, ride-sharing apps or health apps. You can create apps for your employer or you can even create apps as a side project.

This can help you earn a lot of money while working less. You can make the apps on your free time, after work or on weekends. And you can also create some apps as part-time work while you’re still employed. Building an Android app and an iOS app is a great way to make more money as a software developer.

Many companies and individuals are constantly looking for people who can create apps for them. By creating apps, you can earn a consistent and recurring income.

Develop a game for Android and iOS

If you have a programming background, then you can create a game for the Android and iOS platforms. Creating a game is a great way to make money while working less as a software developer. You can create a game for kids or adults, sports or adventure games. You can even create a puzzle game or a trivia game.

Creating a game for Android and iOS can help you earn a lot of money as a software developer. But keep in mind that you will have to spend a lot of time on this project before you can actually see any returns. This is because developing a game is not like creating an app — you cannot build a game in a couple of months. It’s a long and challenging process that requires creativity and patience.

Develop a software for remote working professionals

If you have the knowledge to create a software for remote working professionals, then you can make more money while working less. Creating a software for remote working professionals is a great way to make money.

You can create software for various industries, such as marketing, sales, collaboration and project management. Creating a software for remote working professionals can help you earn a lot of money while working less. This is because creating a software is a long but rewarding process. You can make the software as a side project while you’re still employed as a software developer. This is great, because you can make money while working less even while you continue to work full-time as a developer.

Develop a marketplace or platform for professionals in your niche

If you have the ability to create a marketplace or a platform for professionals in your niche, then you can make more money while working less. Creating a marketplace or a platform for professionals is a great way to earn money.

A marketplace or a platform for professionals can help you earn a lot of money while working less. Creating a marketplace or a platform for professionals can help you earn a lot of money while working less. This is because creating a marketplace or a platform for professionals is a long but rewarding process. You can even make your platform as a side project while you’re still employed as a software developer. This is great, because you can make money while working less even while you continue to work full-time as a developer.


Building websites is a great way to make more money while working less. But if you want to make more money, you have to be willing to charge more. Charging more is critical because it’s difficult to make money as a freelancer without having a lot of experience. This is why it’s important to build your skills through side projects.

Creating websites for clients is a great way to make more money. But you need to be careful about who you take on as a client. You want to avoid taking on clients who are too demanding. This is because they will take up your time and energy, which could be better spent on side projects. You should also be careful about setting your price. If you are new to building websites, you will probably charge less than experienced developers. But remember, you need to charge enough so you can make a profit and also have time to pursue other side projects.

Originally published at https://teke.hashnode.dev.



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